Lesson Title: Mars  Landing

Perquisites:Knowledge and study of the the solar system

Target Audience: Early High School Students

Curriculum Area: English and Science


B.  Speak effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience. 

 4.B.4a Deliver planned informative and persuasive oral presentations using visual aids and contemporary technology as individuals and members of a group; demonstrate organi-zation, clarity, vocabulary, credible and accurate supporting evidnce

4.B.4b Use group discussion skills to assume leadership and participant roles within an assigned project or to reach a group goal



11.A. Know and apply the concepts, principles and processes of scientific inquiry

11.A.4f  Using available technology, report, display and defend to an audience conclusions drawn from investigation 

12.F.  Know and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and Earth’s place in it. 

12.F.4b  Describe and compare the chemical and physical characteristics of galaxies and objects     within galaxies  

13.B.  Know and apply concepts that describe the interaction between science, technology and society.

13.B.4b  Analyze a particular occupation to identify decisions that may be influenced by a knowledge of science.  

Teacher Information

Ms. Rebecca Calhoun

My name is Rebecca Calhoun is a students at Trinity  Christian College and is a Special Education and Regular Education major. I am very passionate about education and the learning process of students. I hope to touch all of my future students some how. I can be reached by email with any questions. 



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